Business Meeting
- Welcome and introduction of Chris Hamilton, NCRA Assistant Director & NIMSS System Admin
- Preparation of 2022-2023 annual report:
- Review recent changes in report format
- Request information on papers, presentations, awards, etc.
- Present Google docs file to expedite reporting
- Reminder of deadlines
Old Business:
- Refresher/review of objectives for the current 2021-2026 project as per NIMSS. See
- Update on the upcoming new NCCC170 website, with demonstration and feedback. Group discussion led by Jarad Niemi, Iowa State University.
- Update from Walt Stroup regarding progress on on-going efforts towards publishing the second edition of his CRC textbook on Generalized Linear Mixed Models, with emphasis on updated materials and applications. Request for people interested in reviewing working drafts of the updated textbook.
New Business:
- Planning for future NCCC170 annual meetings: Location, dates.
- 2024: Potential venue: Puerto Rico (local host Raul Macchiavelli, UPR) Dates TBD. Program chair TBD.
- 2025: ???
- Group picture