Thursday, June 16, 2022
8:30 AM
Check-in, coffee, juice, snacks
9:00 AM
Welcome Messages:
Randy Raper, Assistant Vice President, Facilities and Ag Research Assistant Director, Oklahoma State University
Mindy McCann, Department Head, Department of Statistics, Oklahoma State University
9:15 AM
Consideration for the use of linear quantile mixed models for describing highly variable data in agriculture
Laurence V. Madden, Department of Plant Pathology, Ohio State University
Quantile regression (QR) has become well established in recent decades for characterizing relationships between a response variable (y) and covariables. Instead of modeling conditional expected values, in QR one models the conditional quantiles, with median regression being a special case.
9:50 AM
Using simulations to assess the performance of genotype-to-phenotype models accounting for pleiotropy, variance-controlling loci, and interspecific breeding material
Alex Lipka, Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Models that reflect the multifaceted contributions of genomic loci have a potential to facilitate unprecedented quantification of the genetic architecture underlying various traits and increase genomic selection (GS) prediction accuracies. To evaluate the performance of such models, simulation studies are essential.
10:25 AM
10:40 AM
Mixed Models in R: Mind the Gap
Julia Piaskowski, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Idaho
The linear mixed model ecosystem in R consists of over 80 libraries that either construct and solve mixed model equations or helper packages the process the results from mixed model analysis.
11:15 AM
Conceptual frameworks for embedding ordinary differential equation models within Bayesian hierarchical modeling
Phil Alderman, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University
Crop scientists are frequently interested in understanding how instantaneous biophysical processes integrate across a growing season to affect yield. Collecting repeated measurements of soil and crop variables over time is one way to quantify how these processes are affected by various environmental and climatic factors and how those effects integrate over time to produce yield.
11:50 AM
Classification Methods for High-dimensional MiFi® Data
Huizi Wang, Department of Statistics, Oklahoma State University
Microbe Finder (MiFi®) is a diagnostic tool developed by researchers at Oklahoma State University which uses high-throughput sequencing technology to measure the abundance of a pathogen in a sample. Data are generated as follows.
12:25 PM
1:30 PM
Group Discussion: Moving to a World Beyond “p < 0.05”: How far have we come, and how far we have yet to go?
Aaron Rendahl, University of Minnesota
After many years of statisticians working to help collaborators interpret p-values correctly, it feels like notable progress has been made since the 2016 ASA statement, with well publicized editorials in a wide variety of journals as well as publications for the general public.
2:30 PM
Computer model emulation in agriculture
Jarad Niemi, Iowa State University
Computer models are seeing expanded use in agricultural applications from crop yield to soil loss to nutrient runoff. Statistical emulators of these computer models can provide practitioners with enhanced capabilities to solve their calibration, optimization, and design needs.
3:05 PM
3:20 PM
Estimating Disease Prevalence in the Absence of a Gold Standard via Bayesian Model Averaging
Bruce Craig, Purdue University
When estimating disease prevalence, it is not uncommon to have data from conditionally dependent diagnostic tests. In such a situation, the estimation of prevalence is difficult if none of the tests is considered to be a gold standard.
3:55 PM
Optimizing Blueberry Pollination to Ensure Future Yields
Clark Kogan, StatsCraft LLC
Highbush blueberry is a pollinator-dependent crop, with ~560 million pounds produced in the United States, worth over $700 million annually. Current practices for maintaining the size of managed pollinator populations are outdated.
4:30 PM
Friday, June 17, 2022
8:30 AM
Group Discussion: Open Forum
Clark Kogan, StatsCraft LLC
Open discussion form for current challenges in research design and statistical analysis. This discussion will give participants the opportunity to briefly describe areas of difficulty in active projects of interest.
9:20 AM
9:30 AM
Business Meeting
2021-2022 annual report: Present new report format Request information on papers, presentations, awards, etc., Present Google docs file, link, for NCCC170 members to fill out. Old business:
Refresher/review of objectives for 2021-2026 project as per NIMSS: https://www.
11:00 AM